介绍: 女导游原名:Hostess,又名女主人。1976年剧情类型片,创作于德国地区,具有德语语言版本。由RolfRömer执导,集众多位Annek…… 更多女导游介绍
女导游原名:Hostess,又名女主人。1976年剧情类型片,创作于德国地区,具有德语语言版本。由Rolf Römer执导,集众多位Annekathrin Bürger等著名实力派明星加盟。于1976-02-13公映。
Johannes proposes marriage to Jette in such an uncharming manner that she is scared off. One word follows the other and instead of falling into each others arms each says what they have been thinking for a long time. Jette used to think that Johannes’ spleen for cars including his white-blue, tuned race Trabbi was cute. But now she only sees the egoist who willingly takes bribe...