介绍: 父子情原名:Bergfest,2008年剧情类型片,创作于德国地区,具有德语语言版本。由FlorianEichinger执导,并由Flori…… 更多父子情介绍
父子情原名:Bergfest,2008年剧情类型片,创作于德国地区,具有德语语言版本。由Florian Eichinger执导,并由Florian Eichinger任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Anna Brüggemann、Peter Kurth、Martin Schleiß等著名实力派明星加盟。于2008-11-14公映。
A weekend in the Bavarian Alps. 25-year-old Hannes meets his father after 8 years of separation in a little mountain hut. By the influence of their very different girlfriends Ann and Lavinia, the stage-director-father and his actor-son cautiously try to make a new start. A bold venture, leading all of them to an abyss of unforeseen cruelty.
备案立项号:影剧备字[2016]第6860号: 备案单位:北京大渔影业有限公司。
备案结果:同意拍摄: 备案地:北京市。