介绍: 发生火灾的信原名:Aksharaya,又名ALetterofFire。创作于斯里兰卡、**地区,具有英语、僧伽罗语语言版本。由阿索卡·汉达伽…… 更多发生火灾的信介绍
发生火灾的信原名:Aksharaya,又名A Letter of Fire。创作于斯里兰卡、**地区,具有英语、僧伽罗语语言版本。由阿索卡·汉达伽马执导,集众多位Piyumi Samaraweera、Ravindra Randeniya、Saumya Liyanage等著名实力派明星加盟。于2005公映。
A Letter of Fire: The life of a prosperous family is sent reeling after a tragic and incredible accident involving the 12-year-old boy in a murder. The issue caused a stir, especially since the child's mother, a renowned judge, is in charge of the case. In the bustling ****, the boy is hiding in the house of a museum guard, as his mother tries desperately to defend him and his ...