介绍: AGermanmanschoirof8personsisonavacationinYugoslavia.Mostaremiddle-aged…… 更多死亡目的地介绍
死亡目的地原名:Herrenpartie,又名Destination Death
A German man's choir of 8 persons is on a vacation in Yugoslavia. Most are middle-aged previous Nazis. They arrive at a village populated solely by women who avoid contact. 20 years earlier the Germans murdered all males. The choir tries to cheer up the mood by a German song, but then avoidance is replaced by hostility. When asking to buy bread they are referred to a woman who ...
发布于1964年。由Wolfgang Staudte执导,并于1964公映的电影。
第14届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。