介绍: Memories又名Yaadein。1964年剧情、悬疑类型片,创作于印度地区,具有北印度语语言版本。由SunilDutt执导,并由Akht…… 更多Memories介绍
Memories又名Yaadein。1964年剧情、悬疑类型片,创作于印度地区,具有北印度语语言版本。由Sunil Dutt执导,并由Akhtar-Ul-Iman任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于1964公映。
Set entirely in the confines of a house and featuring only one actor playing out a variety of roles, Yaadein is somewhat of a genuine oddity. Yaadein was the only film actor Sunil Dutt directed. The film adheres to a vivid expressionist style with numerous canted angles and low angle shots that literally imprison Anil’s (Sunil Dutt) figure within the tightly composed frame. Dis...