介绍: Adrunkcouplespendtheirsummer-holidayatsea.Theirlifeisnoteverythingthey…… 更多Дикий, дикий пляж. Жар нежных介绍
Дикий, дикий пляж. Жар нежных原名:Tender's Heat: Wild Wild Beach,又名Tender's Heat: Wild Wild Beach、Zhar nezhnykh. Dikiy, dikiy plyazh
A drunk couple spend their summer-holiday at sea. Their life is not everything they hoped for, and abuse is part of their relationship. At sea they dream about love and understanding, and we observe their fellow countrymen spending their holidays on the same beach. Tragedy, comedy, love, hate, *** : it is all there.
发布于2006年。由Aleksandr Rastorguev、Susanna Barandzhiyeva执导,并于2006公映的电影。