介绍: RatherthanadocumentaryaboutZwartjes,Schefferdecidedtomakeafilmwithhim.…… 更多献给艺术#2介绍
献给艺术#2原名:Tribute to Art #2,
Rather than a documentary about Zwartjes, Scheffer decided to make a film with him. The result is an associative mix of fragments typical of Zwartjes. And a final moment of eye contact with the camera. Zwartjes’ major motifs pass by one **** time as in a feverish dream – including self-portraits. https://iffr****/en/2018/films/tribute-to-art-2
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为纪录片、短片的电影。创作于荷兰 Netherlands地区,具有荷兰语 Dutch语言版本。