介绍: 征战波兰原名:FeldzuginPolen,又名CampaigninPoland、波兰战役。1940年纪录片、历史类型片,创作于德国地区,具…… 更多征战波兰介绍
征战波兰原名:Feldzug in Polen,又名Campaign in Poland、波兰战役。1940年纪录片、历史类型片,创作于德国地区,具有英语、德语语言版本。由Fritz Hippler执导,于1940公映。
This film presents the German account of the Polish Campaign of 1939, and as such is an interesting part of the historical record of the Second World War. From the fierce fighting in Danzig, to the struggles along the Vistula, Warta and Bug rivers, to the Siege of Warsaw, the viewer can get an instructive understanding of how devastating the German advance was on the Polish for...