介绍: TwelveyearoldIwolivesinasmall,post-communisttown.withdestroyedBlackMil…… 更多厄运工厂介绍
厄运工厂原名:CZARNY MŁYN,又名Czarny mlyn
Twelve year old Iwo lives in a small, post-communist town. with destroyed Black Mill - once a place of work for many parents. Breaking the promise to not approach the old mill - the children accidentally unleash its evil powers. From that moment nothing will ever be the same again. Objects and adults start to disappear.
发布于2021年。由Mariusz Palej执导,并且由编剧Magdalena Niec、Katarzyna Stachowicz Gacek携幕后团队创作。集众多位马辛·多洛辛斯基、Iwo Wiciński、Pola Galica-Galoch、Oliwia Ogorzelska、Borys Wiciński、Mateusz Winek、Magdalena Nieć、Michał Lupa等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2021-01-29(波兰)公映的电影。