介绍: PityyoungperformerSissySt.Claire:sheisallowedto*****inherveryownTVspec…… 更多Give Me Pity!介绍
Give Me Pity!
Pity young performer Sissy St. Claire: she is allowed to ***** in her very own TV special on Saturday night, but this doesn’t turn out as expected. Sissy gives her all in the show which – with its songs, sketches, and a question-and-answer section – closely follows the old-time, American variety evening TV formats, complete with commercial breaks. Expect disco balls, glitter ou...
发布于2022年。由阿曼达·克拉默执导,集众多位Sophie von Haselberg、Reshma Gajjar、Cricket Arrison等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2022-01-28(鹿特丹电影节)公映的电影。
Dear deer
相比please baby please 更喜欢这部,女性主义的内向探索更丰富纵深。光怪陆离的复古Disco和SNL Solo秀,夸张表演女演员人生中的不同场景和struggle,在性别身份和角色扮演中越陷越深,索求的究竟是物质还是**还是认同还是赞美又或者只是一个梦。
#IFFR2022# slow-cooked, and really **** monologue.