介绍: DirectorBillyWilderisinterviewedbyGermancriticHellmutKarasekanddirecto…… 更多比利,你怎么做到的?介绍
比利,你怎么做到的?原名:Billy How Did You Do It,又名Billy Wilder, wie haben Sie's gemacht?
Director Billy Wilder is interviewed by German critic Hellmut Karasek and director Volker Schlöndorff about his movies.
发布于1992年。由Gisela Grischow、Volker Schlöndorff执导,集众多位赫尔穆特·卡拉谢克、沃尔克·施隆多夫、比利·怀尔德等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1992公映的电影。
He thinks human being is the same all over the world, period. you can make them laugh or whether they are in Paris and New York, eskimos or in south Africa.他的办公室挂着:what would Lubitsch do?"比利怀德养活了多少编剧:An idea copied hundreds of times!游泳池底置镜,成就了影史经典。 The film has to be very precisely constructed,but the construction must not show❗