Blue / Red / Deport - Picnic in Moria


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  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区: 德国
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Blue / Red / Deport - Picnic in Moria剧情内容介绍

Blue / Red / Deport - Picnic in Moria又名Blue、Red、Deport

Talib Shah Hossaini, a 37-year-old Afghan filmmaker and asylum-seeker, lives in Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos – the biggest refugee camp in Europe until it burnt to the ground in autumn 2020. One year into his life in the camp, Talib Shah finds himself on the verge of losing hope. Instead of giving up, however, he decides to shoot a film called Picnic − an insider’s look ...

发布于2022年。由Lina Lužytė执导,并于2022-03-10(塞萨洛尼基纪录片节),2022-03-27(哥本哈根国际纪录片节)公映的电影。


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Blue / Red / Deport - Picnic in Moria评价

  • B/70|在中国没有太了解过难民问题的残酷,到西方国家后才一点点知道这个**难题。只因为生在某个国家就没有权利享受正常的生活吗?回答“是”的人只怕是要庆幸自己生在一个幸运的国家。我以为会是更高级的形式,比如完全跟进电影的拍摄来揭露难民后背的真相,谁知道还是用采访为主体,这就让戏中戏失去了绝大多数的意义,只成为一个可有可无的媒介线索。#2022CPH:DOX#
