介绍: Afilmpioneer,BinkaZhelyazkovawasattheforefrontofpoliticalcinemaunderBu…… 更多宾卡·哲列亚兹科娃:讲述沉默的故事介绍
宾卡·哲列亚兹科娃:讲述沉默的故事原名:Бинка: Да разкажеш приказка за мълчанието,又名Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence、Binka: da razkazesh prikazka za malchanieto
A film pioneer, Binka Zhelyazkova was at the forefront of political cinema under Bulgaria's Communist dictatorship. Though she remained faithful to the communist ideals she became an avid critic of the regime and brought upon herself the wrath of its censorship. As a result **** of her nine films were shelved and released to the public only after the fall of the regime in 1989,...
发布于2007年。由Elka Nikolova执导,集众多位宾卡·哲列亚兹科娃等著名实力派明星加盟。