Carland Cross was an 1996 hardboiled animated television series developed with the collaboration of Belgian, French and Canadian broadcasters. The series spanned 26 episodes (26 minutes in length) and was based on the comics The Adventures of Carland Cross, by Belgian natives Olivier Grenson and Michel Oleffe. Carland Cross tells the story of a fictional British private investi...
正在播放:克鲁斯探长传奇第1集 。 更新于05-18 06:45,播放来源于PPTV。
克鲁斯探长传奇第1集在线观看。 更新于05-18 06:45,播放来源于PPTV。
剧情介绍:第1集-Carland Cross was an 1996 hardboiled animated television series developed with the collaboration of Belgian, French and Canadian broadcasters. The series spanned 26 episodes (26 minutes in length) and was based on the comics The Adventures of Carland Cross, by Belgian natives Olivier Grenson and Michel Oleffe. Carland Cross tells the story of a fictional British private investi...——小兵分享提供。