介绍: 360Degree又名360Darajeh。2015年悬疑、惊悚、犯罪类型片,创作于**、美国地区,具有波斯语语言版本。由SamGharib…… 更多360 Degree介绍
360 Degree又名360 Darajeh。2015年悬疑、惊悚、犯罪类型片,创作于**、美国地区,具有波斯语语言版本。由Sam Gharibian执导,并由Sam Gharibian任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位阿米尔·阿加伊、Nasser Aghayi、米特拉·哈贾尔、佩瑞娜兹·伊查蒂尔、巴巴克·卡里米、Alireza Ara、Habib Esmaeeli、Masoud Forootan、Ehsan Karami等著名实力派明星加盟。于2015-09-30(**)公映。
Javid and Mahtab are newly-weds who promised each other to leave behind their criminal activities. When it turns out that Mahtab had decided to take on one last *** behind Javid's back, Javid agrees to take the blame and go to jail. Soon, everything he knew to be true is turned upside down. What ensues is a thrilling story as he takes on a venture to solve this puzzle to save t...